1985 - by lovelierlala on Polyvore.com
Alright, so before we get down to business I'd like to thank my wonderfully amazing beautiful brilliant judges. I don't know if you've noticed, but three of our four judges are the finale competitors for Project Polyvore 2. justagirl, harpweaver, and princess70xox. We also have reina peligrosa, who is certainly fabulous in her own right. And then, obviously, myself. All five of us have very different tastes. Sometimes a set I absolutely adore isn't a big hit with the other ladies and thus ends up with a lower score. Something you do may not always apply to our specific tastes but we try to be unbiased and we try to see it from a broad perspective. This shite ain't easy girls. So, I'm really sorry if you disagree with our judging. We really are trying to be as fair as possible.
Anyhow, here we are with your personal critiques...
oxia: I'm an Aries oxia. So, I was delighted when I gave you my sign. But...I'm not very excited about your set. It is fashionable, the layout is good. It's not very creative though. It's just kind of bland. None of the judges were overly thrilled about your set this week, "The set is pretty, it just feels lackluster this week. There's not much else I have to say about it." I mean, it was good. But good just doesn't cut it anymore. Step up darling.
Bluegrass: I have to say, I think your layout this week was brilliant. It surprised me to see that you thought of something so clever. I think it is absolutely brilliant. As far as your outfit is concerned, it's good. Not great, but good. All of the judges had some issues with the colours you chose. You did choose the proper main colour, but going monochromatic with it might have been the wrong decision. Monochromatic is tricky. "And, for me, if you are going to have a monochromatic outfit, the colors need to be exact," is what one judge had to say. Another said, " However, the bangle and the bag(s?) are too matchy-matchy and not even the same shade as the top." So work on your colours next time.
lala: So, princess70xox is a bit of a zodiac nerd. As am I. However, even in zodiac nerdy knowledge, there can be differences in opinion. I, personally, feel like you hit Cancer on the head. princess70xox feels it's not quite there. So, regardless, let's talk about your set. We all feel like you've come a long way in just three weeks. You really know how to pick some fantastic items. The issue now is that maybe not all of those items mesh. "I’m in love with the clutch and shoes, but they both have different styles from each other and the rest of the set," was one judge's opinion. And I have to agree. Your accessories didn't really go well together. Almost there, but not quite.
Stylechix: That dress is absolutely the perfect choice. Beautiful. I think though, that you might have gone just a little too far with the colour in the accessories. Think about it, would you really wear those bright red tights with this outfit? It's a little TOO colourful. Some muted tones would have made this set a lot more wearable. I think the judges were really split on this though. One judge said, "Those tights with those shoes don't really mesh well to me. The shoes don't seem to go well with that dress either." And another said, "Her colors, although predictable, are vibrant and work together perfectly." So, all I can really ask is that you think about the wearability of what you are pairing together. Your layout is looking very nicely balanced by the way.
indecisive: Honestly, when I saw this set I said "wow" out loud. I freaking love it!!! Again, you are a subject for discussion. The judges are split. Actually princess and I are split on your Virgo interpretation also. I think you hit it, she doesn't. I think what really impresses me about this set, is that it's very evident that you're trying to make a really big effort to make something that can appeal to more people, but you still keep it you. One judge said, "The colors are lovely—one of my favorite color schemes (blue and brown)." I've noticed this about your past sets as well, colour is your strong point. You pick beautiful colours and never really overdo it. Your layout is improving. I'd like to quote something one of the judges said about your set because I found it rather intriguing. "And from the legends I read, Virgo seems to be about the destruction of virginity and innocence, which is the feeling I’m getting from the pictures she chose." The thing I love about you indecisive is that you're a storyteller. I can look at one of your sets and see a whole story behind it. Not everyone can. Try to remember that.
ducktape: I just bought that perfume. Seriously. I looked at this set that night and was like "no way." Crazy coincidence. Anyway, one judge said, " You're always great, but this one just lacked that wow factor. We know your aesthetic and I was a little disappointed there wasn't like a surprise here, something unexpected." And I think she was completely right. Your set was pretty, but I kind of didn't see that extra ducktape edge in there. Kind of disappointing. ducktape, you have the great misfortune of being one of the competition favourites. Which means, expectations are a little higher for you. We know what you can do, and expect to see you be great consistently every week. This just wasn't quite there this week.
monkeyonice: "Scorpios are the sexy, sultry sign, and this outfit doesn't really live up to the sign's reputation. It's nice, but just doesn't match," I bet you can guess who said that. Um...I'm not too sure what to say. I didn't expect to see this outfit for Scorpio...Or for any sign actually. It's just so casual and...Uninspiring. The pieces that could have spiced it up a little are hidden in the back. It's just an all around let-down.
Leonette: First of all Leonette, I would like to apologize for giving you this sign. I have a huge bias toward this sign and realized it when I looked at your set. This should have been one of the two signs I omitted. Every Sagittarius I have ever known has been...well...angry and, unfortunately, physically violent. So, when I saw your serene set I was kind of baffled. After considering your set and redoing my research on the sign, I kind of took your interpretation to be that of the free-spirited archer. Anyway, it's very pretty. Our other zodiac expert (heehee) said this, " Pretty, but nowhere near the theme. Sagittarius is fiery, wild, passionate. This outfit is just too sweet." Your set was a big hit with a couple of the judges and considered to be mediocre by a couple others. I think your layout has a lot to do with it. I think it could have been arranged in a more pleasing way.
SarahStarship: Your set is beautiful. The colours are great. Very refreshing. I was a little surprised when I saw your set. This is a bit of a different direction for Aquarius than what I'm used to seeing. It definitely fits though. Overall, it's great. The only criticism is that you may have OVER-accessorized. Other than that your layout is great and creativity is very evident.
dashstarr: I love the individual pieces, but combining them kind of makes me see high school. It looks very semi-formal-like. Which, is alright I guess. It's just not very...sophisticated, I guess. I don't know. I wasn't very fond of it. The colour choices are beautiful though. A couple of judges really thought this was fantastic and that you really got Pisces down. One judge said, " It was creative, unusual, and ultimately a pleasant surprise." But another said, "I love all of the pieces independently, but not together!" As far as your layout is concerned, it's good. Some judges complained about some white space at the top, but it's not that big a deal.
And now, here we are. I have ten stunning young polyvorians in front of me. But I will only call nine names. And those names will represent the ladies still in the running to become Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist. And the first name is...
SarahStarship...Congrats on another win. You're still in the running.
ducktape...Wow us again. You're still here.
lala...You're headed in the right direction. Don't turn back.
indecisive...You blew me away. And the other judges are coming around.
Stylechix...You're still in the running to become Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist.
dashstarr...You're safe.
Bluegrass....You are safe for another week.
Leonette...You are still in the running to becoming Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist. Congratulations.
So, here we are. Will monkeyonice and oxia please step forward. I have two beautiful young ladies standing before me. I only have one name left to call. The person's name I call will still be in the running to becoming Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist. The name I do not call must immediately return to the forum, pack her belongings, and go home.
oxia...You've been here before. Last week. You, my dear, had us loving you at the beginning. But you're having a hard time keeping us interested. We're not seeing enough personality from you.
monkeyonice...You had one of the easiest signs this week. And you failed. It didn't only lack personality, but it seemed to lack the passion for fashion that you need to win this competition.
So, who stays, and who goes?
oxia...You have another chance. Win us back darling. We know you have it in you.
monkeyonice...I'm truly sorry to see you go. You're lovely. But you no longer have a place in this competition.
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