Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finale Results.

Holy moly! It's the finale. Finally!!!

First of all, I'm sure many of you are confused about the absence of indecisive_demoniac's entries on the previous entry. Well, indecisive's life as been a little crazy as of late and unfortunately she couldn't have entries in for the finale. She's done amazingly well in this competition and is commended for coming this far.

Now, we are left with two lovely ladies. Both of you completed fantastic Barbie collections. The judges loved them.

ducktape...The judges are always very impressed with you. However, the judges always judge your work a little more harshly than the others since you came in so strong. Some felt that your sets really didn't say Barbie.

lovelierlala...You have been a strong competitor. The judges really felt that your entries embodied Barbie circa the 90s. However, they weren't very unique and the overall layout wasn't very exciting.

So, who's earned the right to the title of Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist?





Based, not only on the final challenge, but on the entire competition....





The judges and I have unanimously decided...



That Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist is....







Congratulations. You owned the whole competition. No surprise!!!

Lovelierlala...You're amazing. Congratulations on making this far.

Thank-you to ALL of the contestants. All of you were so spectacular!!!

And a HUGE thank-you to all of my fantastic judges. This was a blast.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Challenge 9 Results.

So, all bullshit aside. This elimination was impossible.

Critiques are not being done again. Same reason as last week. If you're not aware of your own weaknesses by now, you shouldn't be here.

All of you really did a great job this week. Your sets were amazing! It's really cool looking at them all together. They could almost be a collection. They really show each of your styles very uniquely.

But I guess somebody has to go. Because there can only be two of you for the finale.

Who's safe?





lovelierlala....You are going to the finale. Congratulations!!!

So, we have indecisive_demoniac and ducktape in the bottom two this week.

indecisive_demoniac...Like I said last week, you have struggled and improved more than anybody in this competition. But have you improved enough to come out on top?

ducktape...This is your first time in the bottom two. I hope you're not starting to slack because you feel like you have this in the bag.

On one hand, we have the girl who has been on top all the way through, but really hasn't done anything in terms of improvement. On the other we have a girl who isn't always a hit, but who has improved tremendously.

So, who stays and who goes?





indecisive_demooniac...You've made it to the finale.

ducktape...You're also going to finale. Obviously.

Frankly, we couldn't agree on who to eliminate based on this challenge. It would seem horribly unfair to send any of these three fantastic ladies home. So, I'm breaking the ANTM inspirational rules and keeping all three of you in for the finale.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Challenge 8 Results.

Ducktape won the mini challenge. How shocking, right??? How dare she be so amazing.

Rod Serling is the Shiz
Rod Serling is the Shiz - by ducktape on

Anyway, so here's the deal. At this point I feel like you guys should know your downfalls, therefore you get no criticisms. Just another challenge for ya to figure it out on your own. This is a competition you know.

SO, here I am, with four unbelievably brilliant women before me. However, I only have three names to call. Those names represent the three women still in the running to becoming Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist.

The first name I am going to call is....

ducktape. You brilliant little beast. You knew you'd make it to the top three.

And the next name I am going to call is....


So...Will Stylechix and indecisive_demoniac please step forward. I have two amazing stylists standing before me. But only one name left to call. The person's name that I do not call must immediately return to the forum, pack her belongings, and go home.

Stylechix...You were in the bottom last week. We wanted to see more from you. We needed to see that you really do belong here at this point. I'm not sure that you do.

indecisive_demoniac...This is your very first time in the bottom two. This competition has been such a struggle for you. But, do you really have anything left in you?

Who stays, and who goes? On one hand we have the girl who struggles to translate her unique aesthetic. On the other we have the girl who struggles to FIND a unique aesthetic.






indecisive_demoniac...I'm proud of you. You're still in the running.

Stylechix...I'm sorry. You're wonderful. But someone has to go and unfortunately that's you.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Challenge 7 Results.

The winning mini challenge entry belonged to lovelierlala. Very well deserved, I might add.

oh snap
oh snap - by lovelierlala on

I also received a gorgeous entry from our lovely ducktape. I'm quite fond of the the little alien pin and the jacket it is attached to.

Soon there's lots of exotic deformed babies/somehow that's not our fault.
Soon there's lots of exotic deformed babies/somehow that's not our fault. - by ducktape on

Okay, so, let me say for starters, that this week was an overall disappointment. All but one of your scores are at an all time low. Pick it up ladies. I don't want to feel so indifferent about who stays and who goes in this competition. Especially at this point. Make me, and the judges, care!

This week, to make up for last week's lack of judge quotation, I am going to say but a sentence by myself. Followed by a sentence by each judge. For each entry.


SarahStarship: 1. Boring, boring, boring. 2. It just feels off. 3. The layout leaves a lot to be desired for me... the photo of the dress takes up half the set and everything else is pushed into the other half. 4. It's downright boring, lacking any unique qualities. 5. I guess there's some 60s influence... somewhere?

indecisive_demoniac: 1. A little too S&M, not enough fashion. 2. I think it's still too much of your own style than of an interpretation. 3. I don't get why you chose a gothic theme here when she is totally not gothic. 4. I enjoyed reading her description and seeing how much thought she put into each piece. 5. Indecisive did a fabulous job of incorporating all the elements of the assigned icon into her own personal style.

ducktape: 1. I really just do not see Jackie-O in this at all. 2. It is interesting to see a more radical take on Jackie-O, who is a personal favorite of mine. 3. I just find it a bit boring compared to her past sets... usually she takes more risk.
4. Not classy, elegant Jackie at all. 5. A little crazy for Jackie O, but she'd totally work it.

Stylechix: 1. I think you chose the right elements (ie. the body suit) but the wrong style (ie. the LACE body suit). 2. I know Lady GaGa tends to not wear actual clothes in public, but I was hoping for some more than just a lace bodysuit and bling. 3. This is all over the place. 4. It's a nice set, just something seems a little bit lacking with the layout. 5. I do think it embodies the character well, though.

lovelierlala: 1. Every single piece is utter perfection. 2. I like the asymmetrical top because it adds a little of the flirtatious, sexy look of von Teese.
3. Very nice... I really like the layout. 4. I just think it could have been a little spicier and I wish the font hadn't covered up the lingerie so much! 5. I like the mix of conservative (for her, anyway) and the lingerie.

So there you have it.

I have five iconic women standing before me. But only four names to call. Those names will represent the four girls still in the running to becoming Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist.

The first name I am going to call...

LALA...You're the only one who indisputably achieved the goal of this challenge. Congratulations. You've once again proven yourself to be a major front runner in this competition.

ducktape...Personally, your set disappointed the hell outta me. I beg you not to disappoint me again. Please.

indecisive_demoniac...You've come so far. Don't change directions on us.

Will Stylechix and SarahStarship please step forward. I have two beautiful young ladies standing before me. But only one name left to call. (For real this time, I swear.) The girl who's name I do not call must immediately return to the forum, pack her imaginary belongings, and go home (figuratively).

SarahStarship...You began at the very top of this competition. However, these past few weeks you have not only fallen behind, but you've stayed there. You're consistently failing to impress us. And it kills me because I know you're so much better than this.

Stylechix...You've basically stayed in the middle of this competition. I think you have yet to really prove yourself and show us exactly what you are made of. I know there's a spark there, but this late in the game...Do you really deserve the chance to show us?

So, on one hand, I have a girl who shown bright and faded out. And on the other, I have a girl who is waiting for her chance to shine. Who stays and who goes?





Stylechix...We've seen some spark, and we want to see it ignite. You're still in the running to becoming Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist. Congratulations.

SarahStarship, I'm sorry, but you're time with us has run out. We were happy to have you my dear.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Challenge 7 Entries.

So, this week each contestant had to create a set inspired by an iconic woman that was chosen by me.

SarahStarship (Edie Sedgwick)

Iconic Women.
Iconic Women. - by Sarah Starship.™ on

indecisive_demoniac (Isabella Blow)

PFNTS - Iconic Women - Isabella Blow
PFNTS - Iconic Women - Isabella Blow - by indecisive_demoniac (~Lily) on

ducktape (Jackie-O)

Hey-Oh, Jackie O
Hey-Oh, Jackie O - by ducktape on

Stylechix (Lady Gaga)

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga - by StyleChix19 (Waaaay Behind) on

lovelierlala (Dita Von Teese)

I advocate glamour. every day. every minute.
I advocate glamour. every day. every minute. - by lovelierlala on

Friday, February 13, 2009

Challenge 6 Results.

So, ducktape is the mini challenge winner. Here is her set:

Trinket Box
Trinket Box - by ducktape on

So, I've been working like a mad man lately. It is midnight as I type this. I will be waking up in seven hours to go and do another long ass shift. SO...Hopefully you all can understand that the critiques this week are going to be pretty short and simple. I need to get my ass to bed asap. Judges, please don't be offended that I don't include quotes from you guys this week...It just takes so much damn time and effort of which I do not have right now.

So, here we go again....

Leonette: The judges were split on your set. Personally, it kind of reminds me of the female character from the Queen of the Damned movie (can't remember her name), and I think that's kind of cool. BUT, I don't really see LUST here. It's kinda sexy, but lust? Hm...Kinda, but not quite. It's also far too wearable to fall under the "high fashion" category. Some of the other judges on the other hand, loved it. As far as layout...It's alright.

indecisive: I knew you would get the whole high fashion bit of the challenge. It was flawless as far as that goes. But I really do not see gluttony when I look at this set. How is goth gluttonous? Your sets are improving as far the judges are concerned though. Just try to think things through a little more in the future.

Stylechix: I thought this was fantastic. Everything from the layout to every single item was very thoughtful. Very high fashion. I love the colour choice. My only issue here is that it might just be a tad too cliche. I know you're limited on what you can really do high fashion on Polyvore. Try to think outside the box in the future.

SarahStarship: It works. You really thought about this and I think that really shows. Sloth isn't overly exciting, so to see that you didn't go overboard with this was a great relief. One little thing...The sweater would have been better to not be included. I think this would have made it appear a little bit more high fashion.

ducktape: A very modern take on Wrath. Really, I was expecting red rage. But this is really true to what's going on in the world. Every piece is very well thought out. And the layout is very appropriate. Great job, as usual.

lala: The artwork you chose to include blew my mind. It's perfection. Again, I have the same criticism for you as I had for Stylechix...A little cliche. The same thing we keep seeing. But overall, a great execution. It really shows envy and it's definitely high fashion. Excellent layout.

oxia: Personally, I really liked your set. It's very superhero/villain-ish and I think that portrays pride extremely well. Like ducktape's I feel like yours was extremely well thought out and very modern. The other judges, however, feel like your set was a little boring.

So, I have seven deadly sins standing before me. But I only have six names to call. Those names represent those of you still in the running to becoming Polyvore Forum's Next Top Stylist.

The first name I am going to call is....

ducktape...Back on top.

lala...You've improved consistently. Keep it up.

Stylechix...You've also improved tremendously. Good job.

SarahStarship...You're still in the running.

indecisive...You're safe.

Will Leonette and oxia please step forward. I have two lovely ladies standing before me. But only one of you is still in the running. The person's name I call will be that girl. The name I do not call will be the girl who must immediately return to the forum, pack her belongings, and go home.

Leonette: You've been here many times before. You're just not standing out to us. You continue to struggle to be on top.

oxia: You've also been here before. You've had a couple of really amazing sets. But for the most part, your sets have left us disappointed. I feel like we've kept you around just waiting for you to do something really great.

So, who stays and who goes? On one hand we have the girl who's mostly in the middle. On the other, we have the girl who flip flops from great to not great at all.





I'm sorry, but you are both eliminated from the challenge. Leonette, oxia, it was a blessing to have you in this competition. You will be missed greatly!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spotlight: dashstarr

dashstarr is the fourth person eliminated from PFNTS.

Main Challenge 1 - Geek Love

All eyes on me in the center of the ring..[part deux]
All eyes on me in the center of the ring..[part deux] - by мιѕѕ ∂αѕн [off] on

Main Challenge 2 - Stylist Makeovers

my heart is yearning, but paris is burning [popular sets 1-8-09]
my heart is yearning, but paris is burning [popular sets 1-8-09] - by мιѕѕ ∂αѕн [off] on

Main Challenge 3 - It's in the Stars

PFNTS - by мιѕѕ ∂αѕн [off] on

Main Challenge 4 - Once Upon a Time...

Thumbelina - by мιѕѕ ∂αѕн [off] on

Main Challenge 5 - Fight It Out

Matador - by мιѕѕ ∂αѕн [off] on

dashstarr's Polyvore name is miss dash. She is, in my opinion, one of the best Polyvorians there are. Find her profile here:

Spotlight: BluegrassGalBB

BluegrassGalBB is the third person eliminated from PFNTS.

Mini Challenge 1 - Going Green

Peace. Love. Recycle.
Peace. Love. Recycle. - by Beyond.These.Walls on

Main Challenge 1 - Geek Love

A day at the circus.
A day at the circus. - by Beyond.These.Walls on

Mini Challenge 2 - Change Positions

PFNTS: Let me go tonight.
PFNTS: Let me go tonight. - by Beyond.These.Walls on

Main Challenge 2 - Top Stylist Makeovers

PFNTS: Makeover!
PFNTS: Makeover! - by Beyond.These.Walls on

Mini Challenge 3 - Throw Back

1990's style.
1990's style. - by Beyond.These.Walls on

Main Challenge 3 - It's in the Stars

Gemini. - by Beyond.These.Walls on

Mini Challenge 4 - Underneath Your Clothes

Don't say I'm cruel.
Don't say I'm cruel. - by Beyond.These.Walls on

Main Challenge 4 - Once Upon a Time...

Arabian nights
Arabian nights - by Beyond.These.Walls on

BluegrassGalBB's Polyvore name is Beyond.These.Walls and you can find her profile here:

Spotlight: monkeyonice

monkeyonice is the second contestant eliminated from PFNTS.

Mini Challenge 1 - Going Green

Going...Going...Gone Eco!
Going...Going...Gone Eco! - by monkeyonice679 wants peace☮ on

Main Challenge 1 - Geek Love

Geek Love.
Geek Love. - by monkeyonice679 wants peace☮ on

Mini Challenge 2 - Change Positions

& I'm that Cliche Romantic Girl - the one who's wearing grey and black & wished her love will finally come to her knees.
& I'm that Cliche Romantic Girl - the one who's wearing grey and black & wished her love will finally come to her knees. - by monkeyonice679 wants peace☮ on

Main Challenge 2 - Top Stylist Makeovers

Old Hollywood Glamour.
Old Hollywood Glamour. - by monkeyonice679 wants peace☮ on

Main Challenge 3 - It's in the Stars

Sally Can Wait.
Sally Can Wait. - by monkeyonice679 wants peace☮ on

Visit monkeyonice's profile on polyvore here: