Recently I was bored out of my mind and flicking through the channels on that lovely little picture box also known as a television set and I came across this lovely little show called Pushing Daisies. Aside from the stunning brightness, witty dialogue, and, well, looking at Lee Pace, I rather enjoyed the beautiful costumes. The costume designer is Robert Blackman. The man hasn't really done anything remarkable in his career. He did Star Trek and American Gladiators way back in the day. So I would certainly call Pushing Daisies the highlight of his career.
Anyhow, for my first Polyvore loving post I decided to highlight a few Pushing Daisies inspired sets. Enjoy the joyful goodness. And then eat some pie.
The lovely neya showed us this lovely little creation.
Pushing Daisies by neyaThe fantastic Harpweaver put this together.
death by love... by HarpweaverOne by yours truly, aka TripMyWire.
193. by TripMyWireThis cute set was brought to you by 18november.
gruyere in the crust by 18novemberAnd finally the lovely twinklestar put together this lovely combo.
pushing daisies...missing it! by twinklestarHope these sets brought you a little joy.